Making the BBQ excel for even the vegetarians with Asian spice marinaded BBQed aubergine. I don’t know about you, but I find cooking BBQ with just veggies can be quite the challenge but aubergine takes the smoky flavour of BBQ on very well, so it makes a fantastic ‘burger’!
Marinaded in:
Soy sauce
Maggi sauce
Sesame oil
#plantbased #vegetarian #veganfoodshare #healthyfood #vegansofig #cleaneating #whatveganseat #veganfood #glutenfree #organic #govegan #bbq #barbecue #crueltyfree #grill #veganism #healthyeating #grilling #veganfoodporn #dairyfree #vegansofinstagram #meat #dinner #veganlife #hclf #weightloss #rawvegan #healthychoices #nutrition #churrasco
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