Super fresh Mexican style wrap made with tomatoes, spring onion, sour cream, cheddar & lime / chipotle chili

Chilli beef, tomatoe, spring onion, sour cream, cheddar & lime / chipotle wrap

Chilli beef, tomatoe, spring onion, sour cream, cheddar & lime / chipotle wrap

Another sunny day = another super fresh Mexican style wrap made with tomatoes, spring onion, sour cream, cheddar & lime / chipotle chili. This ethos of when it’s hot outside, feed the body with hot food to help sweating to keep you cool is an old wives tale (I think) I can happily live with.

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Super fresh Mexican style wrap made with tomatoes, spring onion, sour cream, cheddar & lime / chipotle chili Super fresh Mexican style wrap made with tomatoes, spring onion, sour cream, cheddar & lime / chipotle chili Reviewed by smokingbbqbadboy on April 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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