Fresh garlic & olive oil fried prawns on paella-style rice

Fresh garlic & olive oil fried prawns on paella-style rice

Fresh garlic & olive oil fried prawns on paella-style rice

Out of respect to my Spanish friends, since I included chorizo in with the rice, I can’t call it a ‘paella’ ... apparently. That said, everyone including my Spanish friends happily eat my paella, so meehhhh.

I think the trick to a tasty paella is mussels including the shells, a splash of sherry, chorizo & more garlic than you’d think makes any logical sense - think like aioli levels!

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Fresh garlic & olive oil fried prawns on paella-style rice Fresh garlic & olive oil fried prawns on paella-style rice Reviewed by smokingbbqbadboy on April 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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