Delicately Done ...
Indian delicately done - the recipe to making a pretty Turkey Keema Biriani. Whilst they can taste amazing, presenting a biriani can be a challenge, so I’ve developed a method for making crispy biriani bowls, with a crispy shell similar to a Persian Tadig.A Tadig is a 'jewelled' rice, typically made with rice, almonds, lentils, onion & potatoes plus the addition of some rather exotic flavours like saffron, rose water & cinnamon. The crispy rice, potatoes & onions are absolutely delicious, so I've borrowed this approach for the following recipe.
Crispy Turkey Keema Biriani Bowl Recipe
- Fry turkey mince with 2 tbs of garlic / ginger paste, 2 tbs tandoori spice & 1 tbs salt
- Set aside & fry 1 tbs fennel seeds, 1 tbs cardamon seeds, 1 tbs curry powder, 1/2 sliced green chilli & 2 chopped red onion till onions translucent
- Whilst frying onions & spices, parboil basmati rice in chicken stock for roughly 10 mins
- Line inside of metal Indian serving dish with a little ghee (or oil), sliced shallots & sliced onions
- In a separate bowl, mix the parboiled rice, turkey mince, onion / vegetable mixture with 1 tbs garam masala before packing tightly into the metal bowl
- Cover with foil & put into hot oven for 20 mins (or till shallots / potatoes are crispy)
- Turn out onto dish & sprinkle with fried onions, almonds, raisins, chopped tomato & coriander - serve with raita

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